Janine Day Teacher
My career began in mental health and progressed into the field of addictions and substance misuse, working in community and prison settings supporting the development of services in the North of England and internationally. Since1997 my specialist interest has focused on children, young people and families affected by substance misuse, intergenerational trauma and the safeguarding of vulnerable adults and children. I have established a number of services and has influenced national policy.
My Yoga journey was initially influenced by my mother, I took up a hatha practice in 1999. In 2004 I was introduced to ashtanga vinyasa which along with other yoga styles I continue to practice today. My practice has become a tool of self-care and helps me to maintain resilience. In 2016 I embarked on Ashtanga teacher training studies with John & Lucy Crawford-Scott and I continue to practice and study with leading teachers as part of my CPD. My personal study of yoga began to merge with my professional interests, childhood trauma, leading to a qualification in Teen-yoga. I believe that yoga should be accessible to all regardless of body shape, gender or status, which has lead to me establishing programmes for the charity in where I currently work.
Additionally, I have established a men only yoga sessions leading to the study of deep tissue massage in 2018 to deepen my understanding of anatomy and body work which I take into my classes.
I currently teache yoga in prisons and deliver two classes in South Manchester. I am currnetly studying acupuncture which will lead to a qualification in early the new year.